SwapX Weekly Report 10/01/2022
Chrome Ore market prices, insights by origin on the 10 January 2022.
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) funds focus on sustainable investing in companies meeting ESG requirements, including lower carbon footprints. The transition to low-carbon investing presents new challenges for South Africa’s extractive mining industries. The mining and metals sector will continue to see an incentive to optimise mining equipment and cut electricity consumption for 2022.
As reported in the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture, corruption in South Africa is a serious concern for the mining sector due to the negative impact on critical infrastructure, amongst other factors.
China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently issued the “14th five-year plan”. The plan includes a decrease in the production capacity of key commodity raw materials, such as raw steel and cement. Furthermore, to implement energy-saving reviews such as reducing fossil fuel consumption.
(Report by W. Kieser)