What is an Online Trading Platform for Chrome ore products and why you should use it?
The chrome trading industry has long been plagued by un-vetted suppliers and consumers with difficult-to-follow processes – SwapX has redefined that transformation.
Typically, users will follow a 5-step process when beginning their SwapX journey:
Step 1: Vetting
A stringent due diligence process for all buyers and sellers are implemented by the SwapX team. Producers and consumers must undergo a strict, independent due diligence and validation process to guarantee those listed on our platform are credible and authorised to trade.
Step 2: Registration
Once vetted and legitimised by the SwapX team, registered members can then trade on the SwapX digital platform by accessing the site with their independent username and passwords.
Step 3: Search
Users can find the exact type of product, as well as the exact quality and quantity they require – at the right price, either on a long-term arrangement or on a once off spot deal.
Step 4: Notification
Users can receive real-time, automatic alerts matching supply and demand.
Step 5: Deal direct
Suppliers and consumers exist in a live trading environment 24/7 – extend your supply chain globally and digital presents, with higher productivity by dealing directly, with no 3rd party intervention.
Watch the following video and find out the reasons why your company should be using an online physical trading platform like SwapX, for your chrome ore and raw material needs.